Boussard Gavaudan stock analysis

This Boussard Gavaudan stock analysis is part of my full analysis of the stocks traded on the Amsterdam stock exchange. I am looking for future 10-baggers or more so the best way to find those is to look at smaller companies that have room to run. If you like to get updates on my research, please subscribe to my newsletter.

Boussard Gavaudan stock analysis

BOUSSARD GAVAUDAN stock represents a fund with various strategies where the goal is to outperform the market over the cycles.

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I do not know what the benchmark is, but 111% over 15 years is not what I am interested in, especially not with a mix of costly strategies, albeit the stability of the above looks intriguing.

They did outperform the index but I am not about outperforming or under, I am about performing the best possible whatever the index does.

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